When launching and implementing a competency-modeling project, the leaders of the project have to clearly and comprehensively communicate with two audiences:

1. All employees
2. The managers and employees who will be directly involved in the project

All Employees

When any new project is undertaken within an organization, particularly one initiated by the human resources department, people have a natural tendency to get suspicious, concerned, or just curious.  Employees who understand the project, it’s scope, each person’s involvement in it, and it’s potential benefits will help turn suspicion into support, and will go a long way toward making the project successful.

If your organization has access to an internal or external employee communications expert, use that expertise to help you plan and implement an effective communications effort.

Here a few points that can be covered in communicating the project.  Ideally, the initial announcement should come from the senior sponsor and include:

  • The business need for creating this model at this time.
  • The name of the senior sponsor for the project.
  • Names of people on the project team.
  • How will the model be used, the application, and when will it be implemented.
  • Who is involved in creating the model- particularly jobholders and managers of job holders.
  • Who to contact with questions

The Job Competency Models Project

  • Introduction to competencies and competency models (background, description, benefits).
  • Our approach – why and how they were developed.
  • What’s in it for you, i.e. how you can benefit.
  • How they will not be used.
  • Questions/discussion

Why Develop “Competencies”?

  • Changing the Approach: Career Streams vs Career Ladder
  • Key Concepts Underlying Career Development
  • Performance Improvement and Management
  • Integrating Development Planning with Performance Management

Steps to Developing Competencies

  • Acquiring Competencies
  • Types of Developmental Activities

Identifying Competencies to Develop

  • A Guide to Self-Assessment
  • Selecting Competencies to Target for Development
  • Using the Competency Selector
  • Developing Goals

Working with Coaches, Mentors and Managers

  • 5 Stages of Personal Development
  • Beyond Competence: Achieving Personal Mastery through:
  • Awareness
  • Attention
  • Application
  • Creating a Comprehensive Development Plan

Future blog: Communicating with people directly involved

WorkitectTo learn more about our products and services, and how competencies and competency models can help your organization, call 800-870-9490, email info@workitect.com
or use the contact form at  Workitect.

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