Competency Dictionary
In our previous blog, we listed points that should be covered with all employees when launching a job competency modeling project.

In addition to receiving the same communications provided to all employees, the people involved in various aspects of the project should receive clear and complete information about their specific role.           

When informing people who will be on a resource panel or will be interviewed:

  • The communications can be from senior sponsor or a senior person on project team.
  • Reiterate purpose for the project.
  • Explain why they were selected.
  • Explain how they are to participate, either on the panel or in an interview.
  • Attach key questions they will be asked (for them to consider before their session).
  • Stress that their individual comments will be held confidential; only a summary of all      comments will be published.
  • Inform them of the person they can contact with questions.

When distributing the model or application:

  • Communications should be from senior sponsor.
  • Summarize the history of the project to this point.
  • List the people who participated in creating the model/application.
  • Explain the implementation plan and timeline.
  • Inform them of the person they can contact with questions.

In summary, do not underestimate the importance of this step.  A competency-based human resource system, implemented properly, should have a very positive impact on employees’ job satisfaction.  It makes it more likely that people will be assessed fairly and accurately, and be afforded opportunities based on objective criteria (a picture of what superior performers really do that makes them superior performers).  Poor communications of a model-building project leads to a diminishing of this positive effect and can actually lead to a negative result.

Are there any other important points that need to b e covered?


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